I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Galatians 2:20

Guiding Principles is a two semester class offered for individuals and church leaders who have a desire to help others grow in their faith. This class offers guiding principles to help you become a Biblical Counselor either as a lay leader or paid staff member. It consists of two twelve-week courses and covers topics such as the Bible as our authority in the counseling office, how to conduct a interview, what a PDI is and how to use it, and many more topics relevant to biblical counseling. This class will better enable you to help those who come in contact with.

If you are interested in this class, please click the link above to download the registration form. Once completed, send it via email to 220ministriesccd@gmail.com. Thank you!

Joshua Johnson has been serving the Lord in ministry since 2003. He and his wife, Patty, have a passion to lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to help them grow in the “grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In 2024 Josh and Patty Johnson began 2:20 Ministries in order to help those who are stuck in life because of their past or problems and to be able to help those who need to take the next step in their Christian journey. 2:20 Ministries is founded upon the principles found in Galatians 2:20. This booklet was birthed out of the desire to help young, and seasoned Christians alike, to understand their salvation experience, their identity in Christ and how they can experience a life of victory.


Would you say that your life is characterized by consistent victory over sin, self, and Satan? As a Christian, it can be and should be! As you study through this book, you will embark upon a journey that begins with presenting the concept of your new identity in Christ and concludes with 4 practical words that will help you to daily appropriate your identity in Christ. Throughout the lessons, you will discover that from God’s point of view, your sinful past does not exist. You will learn that your identity in Christ consists of your co-crucifixion, co-burial, co-resurrection and co-ascension with Christ.  Appropriating your identity in Christ is the great key to overcoming sin and living in consistent victory as a believer.

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Changed - Living Victoriously As A Christian

Have you ever made a decision to please God? You worked agonizingly hard to pray, read your Bible, or just to live right. In spite of all your hard work, you still failed. God’s requirements for Christian living go far beyond natural human ability. The Lord Jesus Christ is not looking for imitators. The Lord Jesus designed our lives as Christians so that Christ not only lives in us, but lives His life through us. It is not imitation, but participation. As you study these six lessons, you will discover what happened at the moment of salvation and how that is to influence you every day of your life.

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7 Vital Steps for Building A Christian Home

The kind of family that survives our modern-day culture is always up for re-evaluation. It is worth making a fresh examination of your family, and even your own life. Breathe fresh life into your Christian home with 7Vital Steps For Building A Christian Home. God does not leave us without clearly defined instructions for accomplishing His purpose in our homes. Deuteronomy 6 contains the truths that will set you free from the stigma that having a Christian home is out of your reach. God gave your family to you. He intends for every home to be a distinctly Christian home. Develop and strengthen yours through these practical principles found in the Bible.

Book and a single study guide are included. Additional study guides are available if needed.

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7 Vital Steps - Study Guide

Additional copy of the study guide to accompany 7 Vital Steps for Building A Christian Home. The book comes with one study guide included.

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